Frequently Asked

Our email security service requires one token for every email address at your domain. You can earn tokens with text link(s) from your website and use those tokens to pay your invoices and keep the service free forever.
Customers who wish to buy tokens can purchase tokens for $0.25 each. Purchasing tokens makes our email security service a modest $0.25 per email address per month (user aliases are free and there is no charge for domains or quarantine reports).
When you want to purchase a product or service you normally pay for it using some form of currency. At MX Guarddog our currency is tokens. Our monthly invoices are in tokens not dollars.
Websites all want more traffic. How do you get additional traffic? One possible way is a link from another website. More links, more traffic, more revenue. A link to a website has value. A link on your website has value to us; we will compensate you for placing text link(s) on your website. You can earn tokens every month by keeping our text link(s) online.
That's it really! No tricks, games or gimmicks - just trade a text link on your website for tokens - it's easy!
Yes it certainly can be! There is no currency payment for using any of our services, we issue invoices in tokens.
To earn tokens we will supply you with a text link to place on a webpage. Any webpage will do, but the higher the importance of the webpage the more tokens you will earn every month. If you need to earn additional tokens, you can add a second or third text link... as many as you need.
All of our customers have their own domain, and virtually everyone who has their own domain has a website. Placing a text link on a webpage can earn you tokens every month. Those tokens are then used to pay your monthly invoice, so you never have to buy tokens.
For every email address at your domain you require one token per month. You can earn tokens to keep our service free by placing text link(s) on your webpages.
The value of the link is determined by our proprietary ranking system. A link's token value is determined by the importance of the webpage where you place the text link. A webpage that receives a lot of traffic has a much higher value than a family photo page that gets only a couple of visitors a month. If you have a webpage that is private, password protected or does not receive any visitors that page would not earn you any tokens.
Once you register for our service you will have access to a licensing page where you can test the token value of any URL. Our systems will evaluate the webpage to determine its value. The higher the importance of the webpage, the more tokens you earn by placing a link on the page.
Most of our clients are able to able to get all their email addresses protected with one or two text links. For users who are not able (or willing) to earn tokens using text links, tokens can also be purchased.
Links must be visible at all times by all website visitors; links cannot be hidden with style sheets, javascript or any other technology - view our terms of service for more information.
Yes, it is totally fine.
We have customers that are located in many parts of the world, and often their website is not in English. That is no problem at all. Usually the text link we would provide would be an English link, but it can be placed on any website you wish.
Yes, the link we provide to earn tokens can be placed anywhere on the Internet. If you are using our security service to protect you are not limited to placing text link(s) on - you can put them on any webpage.
You will earn tokens for the text link as long as you leave the link online. It is generally advisable that you place text links on a page that you control to ensure someone else does not remove the link.
Thinking of canceling your service? If you are having a technical issue, please contact our support department to correct any issue you may be having.
If you still find MX Guarddog is not for you, canceling our service is done online, for security reasons we are not able to process cancellation requests via email.